How to Manage the Purpose of Visits in TimeTec VMS
The purpose of a visit specifies the types of purpose for every visit, such as Delivery, Meeting, Contractor, etc. Therefore, the management or home association can create the purpose of visit based on their desired prefix of each purpose of visit for the premise.
To set up the visitation purpose, navigate to Settings > Visitation Settings. Next, Select the Visitation Purpose on the left panel to open up the visitation purpose settings menu.

As indicated, pre-set can be done on this menu with its respective code to represent each purpose. Then, from the list, the admin can add, edit, or delete the purposes. However, not all the purposes can be edited or deleted since some of these are default purposes.

The admin can click the pencil icon on the top right corner to initiate the editing interface in setup. Admin can click on the + icon to add new, followed by a new line of purpose ready to be added. The admin can also click on the bin icon to remove any existing pre-set purpose if required.
Setting up custom visitation purposes really helps streamline visitor management. Have you tried using this feature to track contractor visits? It can be quite useful by moya app sassa 350 for keeping things organized.