Adding FingerTec devices into your TimeTec Cloud account
Before connecting your FingerTec devices into the TimeTec TA account, kindly check the following:
1. The device has already been updated with TimeTec firmware. Go into Menu > Communication Option > Webserver
Please request for the firmware from your reseller if you cannot find the Webserver option under Communication Option
2. Ensure that the connection settings are correctly adjusted in the device. Go into Menu > Communication Option > Set IP address, gateway and subnet mask > Save your settings.
Next, go into Menu > Communication Option > Webserver > Set TimeTec TA server IP (which is available on the top of Device page) > Key In the port (80 for old devices, 90 for TA100C FMM, AC100C FMM and Face ID terminals).
Now, login to TimeTec TA account. Go to Device to select FingerTec Terminal. You can start adding your FingerTec devices. Click Add to start.
1. Insert the serial number of the device
2. Hit the TAB button on keyboard and the system will begin to check connection to the device. The model display automatically if device connects to server. Check the connection settings and firmware of your device if model does not display.
3. Key in the Terminal ID.
4. Select the Terminal Group.
5. You can name the Location where the device is installed.
6. Select the UTC time zone that device installs at.
7. Save the settings.
Now you will see the new added device appear on list. However, you will have to take note of the following:

2. Hit the TAB button on keyboard and the system will begin to check connection to the device. The model display automatically if device connects to server. Check the connection settings and firmware of your device if model does not display.
3. Key in the Terminal ID.
4. Select the Terminal Group.
5. You can name the Location where the device is installed.
6. Select the UTC time zone that device installs at.
7. Save the settings.
Now you will see the new added device appear on list. However, you will have to take note of the following:
- If there is no checkbox available for the device, it means the device has not been connected to TimeTec TA yet, nor it is activated. Click Edit to re-configure the connection and to insert the product and activation key.
- The Connection Status column shows the whether the device has lost it’s connection (indicated with red circle) to server or still active (indicated with green circle).
- The Connection Status column shows the whether the device has lost it’s connection (indicated with red circle) to server or still active (indicated with green circle).
Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.