5 Things to Pay Attention to When it Comes to Ingress Implementation

Monday, May 27, 2013 TimeTec 0 Comments

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Ingress is FingerTec’s latest software; highly recommended for door access control installation. It’s packed with powerful access control features such as graphical floor maps, real-time monitoring, centralized management, data analysis and reporting etc.

First things first, you need to plan properly before implementing the software, as most future inconveniences are caused by faulty installations. Don’t rush into it and get tangled later. Here are 5 things you should look out for to make your Ingress implementation smooth!


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New Firmware Update for Face ID 4, R2 and m-Kadex!

Monday, May 27, 2013 TimeTec 0 Comments

The latest firmware update for Face ID 4, R2 and m-Kadex has now been released to include bug fixes, new features and enhancements. To download them, click here. Read below for an overview of what is included in each update:

Face ID 4
Firmware version:Ver 8.0.0 (Build 359)
- Upgrade Door Event Function to support offline mode
- Integrate False Log Function
- Resolved bugs found when connected with TimeTec
Firmware version: Ver 2702-04
- Resolved device transaction data's slow return time to TimeTec
- Resolved R2c's no response issue
Firmware version: Ver 6.23 (build 2880-01)
- Upgrade to support usage of Period Door Open function with Adaptec Plus

Initiated & written by: Jazz


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Clearing Terminal Administrator Privilege from Ingress

Monday, May 27, 2013 TimeTec 5 Comments

Ingress is an integrated access control management application that runs on the familiar MS Windows operating environment. On top of its other functions, Ingress can also manage your device's administrator privileges. To clear a terminal's administrator privilege, follow the simple steps below.

Step 1 - Click Devices > Click at the terminal which you wish to remove its device administrator privilege.

Step 2 - Click at Other > Click Clear Admin Privilege.

Step 3 - Click Yes button for confirmation.

Step 4 - You will get the below message when the process is complete. Click the OK button.
All users with administrator privilege in the terminal will be changed to user privilege when the process is complete.

And now you're done!

Initiated & written by: Zul


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FACE ID 2 IN/OUT Wiring Diagram Using AdapTec Plus

Monday, May 27, 2013 TimeTec 0 Comments

By using 2 units of Face ID 2, users can now control door access on top of checking time attendance. We will be demonstrating how to connect 2 units of the Face ID 2 terminals to work as IN/OUT terminals. You will need to connect the 2 terminals together according to the diagram below:

With the above wiring, you can now have access to enter and also exit from the same door using the 2 units of Face ID 2. Voila!

Initiated and written by: SF Lim


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Schematic Diagram of FingerTec's Operations

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 TimeTec 0 Comments

For a look at the daily operations happening inside every FingerTec device, we have prepared a schematic diagram for your easy understanding. The diagram below shows how the microprocessor handles enrollment and verification, how data is stored into the SDRAM and also the operations done after a verification is made. On top of that, the diagram also shows how FingerTec devices work with software such as TCMS V2, Webster and Biobridge.


Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.