How To Add Intercom Number In i-Neighbour App

Monday, April 29, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

Intercom is a common communication tool adopted by many residential to connect security guards and  residents. Taking this tool to another level,  i-Neighbour App incorporates an intercom feature in its mobile application which will be used on i-Vizit to improve overall visitor management system. i-Vizit App is a Visitor Management System, developed as a core component to be installed at the guardhouse’s/reception’s tablet for both TimeTec VMS (Smart Office Visitor Management System) and i-Neighbour (Smart Residential Community System). Click on the link to obtain more information on i-Vizit.

In using this intercom feature, all residential unit owners have to register their intercom numbers into the i-Neighbour application for the numbers to be used by security guards in the i-Vizit application. Hence, the guards are able intercom the house owners to check-in visitors and obtain permission before allowing any of the visitors to enter the residence.

Below are the steps to add an intercom number in i-Neighbour App.

1. Launch i-Neighbour App.

These are the links to download the i-Neighbour App:

a) i-Neighbour in Google Play
b) i-Neighbour in iOS

2. Click on the Profile picture. 

3. Click ‘My Unit’.

4. Click on the pencil icon next to ‘CONTACT NO’.

5. Enter a contact number for an intercom. You can enter it directly or you can choose from your contact list by clicking on the ‘Add from contact list’. Once done, click Save.

6. In the i-Neighbour App contact number, the name and the number you entered will be added into the system. Note: This number provided will only be used for i-Vizit and the number will not be displayed by security guards, only the house owner name will appear.  

Now the security guards can intercom the resident to verify the check-in process via i-Vizit.
We have prepared a video guide on how to add intercom number in i-Neighbour App. Please follow the link below:

If you are still having problems after completing all of the steps stated above, please contact us via 

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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Troubleshooting Ingress Server-Client when Server IP Address is Different from Actual IP Address on Server PC

Tuesday, April 16, 2019 TimeTec 4 Comments

There are certain factors that can cause issues on Ingress Server-Client connection. One of the reasons is caused by the different server IP that appears on Ingress software with an actual IP on your server or main computer.

Hence, this article can be referred to when you want to identify whether the connection issue occurred is due to this issue or there is a software problem. Below are the processes in which you can follow to determine such instances:

Issue and Problem Verification
To verify if you are facing this issue, you can check the Ingress server IP at Ingress > System Setting > Database Configuration > check Server or Database IP and compare with actual PC IP by running ‘CMD’ command prompt > type ipconfig > enter > check IPv4 Address (refer below picture).

If you found the differences on both IP addresses, you can refer to the following tips on how to fix this issue.

Process and Settings

1.    First of all, please download and install MySQL manager tools such as SQLyog on your Ingress server computer. You can search and download a free version of MySQL manager tools from the website or download from below links :

• If your operating system is 64-bit type, please download SQL yog from

• If your operating system is 32-bit type, please download SQL yog from

2.    Connect to the MySQL host with the correct MySQL password (password when you run Ingress DB Installer).

3.    From the MySQL manager program, go to option Tools > select User Manager.

4.    Under User Manager Windows screen, User > select root@% > select Global Privilege > select or tick all privileges for this user > Save Changes

5.    Under same User Manager Windows screen, User > select root@% > select Ingress > select or tick all privileges to selected object for this user > Save Changes.

6.       Close the MySQL Manager tools and run Ingress DB Installer. Key in the Host settings as a current IP address for the computer (IP address that appears from command prompt > ipconfig), then key in the MySQL password.

7.       Run all steps on Ingress DB Installer which are Test Connection, Update Connection and Upgrade Database. Once completed, close the Ingress DB Installer and run the Ingress software.

8.       After you run the Ingress software on server PC, you need to check the Ingress Server and Database IP address again from the System Settings > Database Configuration. You can find that the Ingress server IP is the same with the actual IP address for that PC.

9.       Finally, you can test and run back the Ingress Client from the other PC and check now you can connect to the Ingress Server successfully.

Note: If any of the screenshots or steps in this manual are different from the current system, it is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at We will update it as soon as possible.


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Now You Can CC Recipients in TimeTec Leave

Tuesday, April 16, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

The work of an employee is always connected to a few departments, not only his or her own. Hence, when an employee is taking a leave, those who are affected need to be informed beforehand to make sure that the tasks at hand are being handled properly and in time.  Therefore, TimeTec Leave introduces a CC (carbon copy / courtesy copy) option for employee to notify his/her colleagues of his/her upcoming break.  

To inform other colleagues on the upcoming break(s) so all the important work/tasks can be handled properly in the absence. 

For more details of what is available in this feature, please refer to the quick guide below, prepared in two sections:
1)    Mobile App
2)    Web

How to Apply CC Option in TimeTec Leave App
Login into the App > Click Home 

Click ‘+’ icon to add / apply leave

Choose Leave Name, select Request Type, select date, add reason & choose Cc (optional)

*If you want to to use the CC option, click on the CC (optional) field and choose the colleague(s) that you want to notify about your leave. 

When done, click the paper plane icon to submit your leave application and those who are listed under the CC will be notified accordingly. 

How to Apply CC Option in TimeTec Leave Web (

There are a couple of options to apply CC Option in the web, Option 1 is via shortcut to application, option 2 is through Leave Application tab. 

Option 1:
Log into your TimeTec account > click on Menu and go to TimeTec Leave

Click on ‘+ Apply’ button

At the pop Window, fill in all the details for your leave application.

A click on the CC (optional) button, you will see a pop up Windows, where you can choose the colleagues you want to notify about your leave application.

Click the tick button to submit your leave application. 

Option 2:
Log in Account > click Menu go to TimeTec Leave

Home > Click Leave Application tab

Scroll down the page until you see leave application form and fill up your leave application details

When you click the  CC (optional) button, you will be presented with a pop up Windows to choose the colleagues who you want to notify 

When you are done, click the Submit button to send leave applications

Note: If any of the screenshots or steps in this manual are different from the current system, it is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at We will update it as soon as possible.


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How to Merge Two User IDs in TCMS V3/Ingress Without Losing the Transaction Logs

Tuesday, April 16, 2019 TimeTec 5 Comments

Sometimes an Admin would mistakenly add another user ID for an employee staff who has already have a user ID.  And, when the Admin wants to correct the situation, the user ID has already existed in the software. Worse, both User IDs have transaction logs! Don’t sweat. We have the best solution for you to merge the User IDs without affecting the transaction data. 

Rectifying errors without compromising the data.

Kindly follow the below steps:
1. To enable editable User ID, go to System Settings > System Parameter Settings > User > Edit > Tick on the ‘Enable editable User ID’ option > Save.

2. Before proceed on merging the User IDs, please ensure to:
i) Download all the transaction logs from device; Go to Scheduling & Attendance tab > Attendance Sheet > Download > Select which device to download > OK.

ii) Backup your database; Go to System Settings > Database Configuration > Browse Database Backup Path > Backup

3. In Users tab, click on Remove Current User > Select which device to remove user(s) > Select the correct User ID (the one you want to use later) > Select Data > Remove. By default, the ‘Remove both local and device user data’ option is ticked. Please don’t untick it in order to remove user from both software and device.
Note: Once you remove the User ID from the software, the transaction logs that have been downloaded earlier won’t be missing. They are still stored in the system.

4. In Users tab, double click on the mistaken User ID > Edit > Change the User ID > Save. You will be prompted by the screen below notifying you to download all the user’s transaction logs from the device before changing the User ID. This is mainly to ensure that the existing transaction logs are synced correctly. Select the device which you want to apply the changes on and click OK.

Then, another prompt message will appear alerting you that the same User ID was added to the system previously and asking whether you want to purge the previous transaction logs for the correct User ID. Please proceed by clicking on ‘No’ option. This is a very important step to ensure both User IDs’ transaction logs to merge.
Note : If you click on ‘Purge’, previous transaction data belong to the User ID will be deleted, and you will lost you data.

5. Finally, in Users tab, click on Upload User to synchronize the changes made in the software to the device; Select which device to upload > Select the correct User ID > Select Data > Upload.

And yes, you are DONE! You may verify the update process by checking the attendance sheet on whether the User ID still has the existing transaction logs.

Note: If any of the screenshots or steps in this manual are different from the current system, it is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at We will update it as soon as possible.


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Managing Gross Wages Functionalities in TimeTec TA

Tuesday, April 16, 2019 TimeTec 0 Comments

Some companies might have a combination of biweekly or monthly salaried employees as well as hourly salaried employees. Hourly salaried employees are paid based on work hours. The total for the hourly salaried employees is commonly calculated as total work hours multiply by the pay rate. If you are looking to use this calculation for your hourly salaried staff, TimeTec TA offers Gross Wages report for this requirements.


A : Gross Wages Settings
1) Log in to TimeTec TA, click User and choose Manage User.

2) At the new window, Click Settings.

3) From the pop-up window, fill column “rate / hour” with appropriate value and click Submit

4) After that, click on Company tab and choose Day Type.

5) At the new window, Click Edit (pencil icon) if you want to customize the wages rate.

Work Wages % - Percentage of wage given for work time as compared to the standard wage i.e.: 100% is the normal wage rate, 200% is double the normal wage rate, 300% is triple the normal wage rate.
OT Wages % - Percentage of wage given for overtime as compared to the standard wage i.e.: 100% is the normal wage rate, 200% is double the normal wage rate, 300% is triple the normal wage rate.
Diff.Ot Wages % - Percentage of wage given for differential overtime as compared to the standard wage i.e.: 100% is the normal wage rate, 200% is double the normal wage rate, 300% is triple the normal wage rate.

6) Once configurations are done, click Submit button to save the changes.

B : Gross Wages Report
Wages report will simplify management's task in order to sort out attendance for payroll purposes. Management can generate this report as a reference for payroll calculation.

1) Click Report and then click Attendance Analysis, choose Gross Wages report.

2) Select users that you want to generate their report.

3) At the bottom page, you can sort your report by date, organization structure, name and etc. Then, you may click Submit button to proceed to generate report.

4) This is an example of Gross Wages report. This report will provide wages calculation for each day type that has been configured above based on Hourly rate.

Note: If any of the screenshots or steps in this manual are different from the current system, it is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at We will update it as soon as possible.


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