Adding 3G/GPRS Device into Ingress/TCMS V3
Please note that 3G and GPRS devices cannot be added directly into the software. It requires a medium to connect these devices into the software.
FingerTec Webster is the best choice as the medium because it retrieves the data automatically once a device is connected to it.
Download the Webster SDK link:
FingerTec Webster is installed in the localhost. To run Webster, you may use the default username and password as admin for both required fields. To connect the device with the FingerTec Webster, please make sure that in the device settings, webserver IP address is already set. To retrieve the webserver IP address, run “ipconfig” command on cmd.

To know whether the device has already been connected, check at the device main interface and look for the letter “I” inside the box. Another way is to check the device’s activity inside the Webster’s Terminal List. Insert Serial Number/Device Name/Device’s IP Address to search for the device. It will show the last activity of the device.
Once the device is connected, this Webster can read all the information inside the device such as Enrolled User and Transaction Data.
Since all the raw data is here, migration process can be done into the software where the data will be processed to become useful data. This feature is available inside the Migration Wizard > FingerTec Webster.
The Migration wizard interface require you to log in. Insert the Webster Database Server as set in the device. The details depend on whether Webster application and TCMS V3/ Ingress software was installed on the same PC or in the same network range.
For local PC, use below details: Webster database server : localhost Username : webster Password : webster
You may refer image below on where to configure this setting :
Then for downloading Webster database into TCMS V3/ Ingress, where TCMS V3 is installed in another PC (Same network range) :
The username and password by default is a root for both. Username : root Password : root For Webster database server IP, this refers to the main PC IP address. (Run CMD > type "ipconfig") Then for login username and password, this is refer to MYSQL login password installed in main PC.
For local PC, use below details: Webster database server : localhost Username : webster Password : webster
You may refer image below on where to configure this setting :
Then for downloading Webster database into TCMS V3/ Ingress, where TCMS V3 is installed in another PC (Same network range) :
The username and password by default is a root for both. Username : root Password : root For Webster database server IP, this refers to the main PC IP address. (Run CMD > type "ipconfig") Then for login username and password, this is refer to MYSQL login password installed in main PC.
From here, you can select all the devices and users along with the transactions in the device. All you need to do is to select the required data and import it into the software.
After importing data, the device will be successfully connected into the software. Now, you can manage all attendance, you can generate report and complete the payroll settings using the software.
Have any questions or inquiries about FingerTec? Drop your input here.