Adding a New Charge for Billing Inside i-Account

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 TimeTec 0 Comments

In the i-Account system, one of the most basic and frequent transactions is issuance of invoice. If Admins finds it necessary to issue invoices for a new Charge item (e.g. Access Card, Rental of Facility, etc), they have to add the Charge into the system first. In the process, Admin has to assign an Item Code to the Charge and create a new General Ledger account. 

The steps to add a new Charge item inside i-Account is as follows:

For example, Admin may need to issue an invoice for Rental of Multipurpose Hall, a new Charge/Item. 

A. Create New General Ledger Account
Step 1
First and foremost, Admin needs to create a new General Ledger (GL) account linked to the new Charge/Item and used to record invoice transactions. 
Under the Accounting section, go to Banking and General Ledger > Maintenance > GL Accounts.

Step 2
Select “New Account” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3 
Enter the “Account Code” and “Account Name” for the new GL account. E.g:  Account Code is 10011 and Account Name is Rental of Multipurpose Hall.

Step 4 
Select the Account Group from the drop button for the new GL account. In this example, the Account Group selected is “Other Income”.

Step 5 
Once completed, click “Add Account” at the bottom of the page to add the new GL account.

B. Add New Charge/Item
Step 6
Next, go to Items and Inventory Module > Maintenance > Items to create a new Charge/Item.

Step 7
Select “New Item'' using the drop-down menu. 

Step 8
Enter the Item Code and Item Name. E.g: Item Code is 10012 and Item Name is “Rental of Multipurpose Hall”.

Step 9
Select Item Category for the new Item. The most frequent Item Category is Components and Services. However, we usually suggest setting it as “Services” for the Item Category.
The differences between Components and Services are as below:




Used for physical items that are purchased and Admin has to track Inventory balance and quantity. 


Used when no physical item is involved.

Step 10
Select the Unit of Measure for the new Item. For this Rental of Multipurpose Hall,  we set as Each.

Step 11
Select the GL Account for the new item. As we are adding this new item for billing purposes, we only need to set the Sales GL Account, i.e. the GL account that will be credited when an invoice is issued under the item.

- Therefore, for the “Sales Account”, select the GL account that was newly created.
- C.O.G.S Account setting is not applicable for debtor invoicing and can be skipped.

Step 12
Once completed, click the “Insert New Item” at the bottom of the page.

C. Invoicing
Once you have successfully created the new Item, you can view this at Property Section > Charge Setup. At this page you can set the price for the item (Unit Price). For example RM 100.00.  Click “Update” at the bottom of the page to update the price. You can then proceed to Batch Invoice to generate invoices.

Alternatively, to issue a new Ad hoc invoice (bill to single debtor), go to Accounting section > Sales > Transaction > Invoices. Select the new item, i.e. Rental of Multipurpose Hall by using the drop-down menu. Enter the price and click the “+” icon at the right to add the item and proceed to issue the invoice as usual.

Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.


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