Device Connection Notification in AWDMS for Smart AC1 Series and Face ID 5 Series
By configuring this setting in AWDMS, you can receive notification regarding the device connection. The administrators will be notified through this feature when any of the devices lost connection and re-connected back to AWDMS software.
1) Configure the email setting
First, you need to configure your email account within AWDMS for it to send notification via email. To do so, go to System > Basic Management > Email Management > Email Parameter Settings > Insert SMTP Server, Port, Email Account, Email Password > Click Test Connection.

By configuring this setting in AWDMS, you can receive notification regarding the device connection. The administrators will be notified through this feature when any of the devices lost connection and re-connected back to AWDMS software.
1) Configure the email setting
First, you need to configure your email account within AWDMS for it to send notification via email. To do so, go to System > Basic Management > Email Management > Email Parameter Settings > Insert SMTP Server, Port, Email Account, Email Password > Click Test Connection.

2) Go to Access module > Access Control > Parameters > Insert the recipient email address in the Alarm Monitoring Recipient's Mailbox.

3) And if the device is disconnected, the AWDMS will send an Email Notification to the recipient email to notify them of the news.
Note: If some of the screenshots or steps viewed here are different from the ones in the current system, this is due to our continuous effort to improve our system from time to time. Please notify us at, we will update it as soon as possible.
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