The Flexibility Ingress Gives Your Doors (Ingress Permanent Door Open Close Feature)

Tuesday, May 31, 2016 TimeTec 0 Comments

Ingress, as an access control management application is not only a control panel for door monitoring, but also an easy to use remote control for doors. The remote unlocking, and access level management are two features that makes Ingress more flexible to its users.


Permanent Door Open Close Time Zone feature of Ingress, allows you to remotely control the unlocking of your doors, up to 3 different intervals daily. Moreover, users are able to set different time zones for the holiday season, and synchronize all changes along to their FingerTec access control terminals and controllers.


A: Door Setting
1)     Create a door at your Ingress software, then assign your FingerTec Access Control
          terminal to the door.

2.   Click on the Permanent Door Open Close Time Zone, then Click on Add Time Zone from
       the top menu and enter the Name and Description of your Door open close time zone

 3.   Enter the Intervals, when you need the door to be left open and save. You can choose
to have up to 3 intervals, at the end of which the doors will be locked.


P.S: The copy button can be used to repeat the same intervals for each day respectively.
B: Assign the Permanent Door Open Close to Your Doors
1)   To change the setting of your door, click on your door name and press Edit at “Details”
       -   At the Permanent Door Open Close Time Zone, click on the drop down list
       -   Select your preferred Door Open Close Time Zone then press save and
             synchronize the changes to the device.
2.   To create Permanent Door Open Close Holiday Timezone, follow step A.1 and A.2,
      instructed above, save the changes and synchronize the changes to your device. 


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