Changing Device’s Display Theme and Advertisement Picture through Ingress & TCMS V3
In both Ingress (since v3.0.5) and TCMSV3 software, there is currently a feature known as Multimedia Management. This feature allows you to change the Device’s Display Theme and
Advertisement Picture remotely from the software, without the need of your presence
at any terminal(s).
It is proven that
visual advertising is more
memorable than just hearing or reading. You
can now use your company logo as the “desktop theme”, and your products or services
as the “advertisement picture” on your FingerTec devices. By advertising your products or
services through FingerTec’s Device, it makes you more likely to be front in
line in potential clients’ minds when they are in need of the products or
services that you have to offer.
Special note:
Please be informed that the below configurations are done on Ingress software, as shown in the accompanying images. However, this can also be applied in TCMS V3 to achieve comparable results, as the configuration is similar with only a slight difference in the interface.
1) Change the Desktop Theme and Advertisement Photo to Your Preference
Go to Devices > Multimedia Management > click Edit > Select Display Theme or
Advertisement Picture > Double click the picture > browse your picture > click Open >
Click Save. (Ensure the picture's size is less than 30kb).
Click Save. (Ensure the picture's size is less than 30kb).
2) Upload the Picture into Fingertec's Device
Click Upload Multimedia Content > Select the particular Fingertec Device which you want
to upload the content to then proceed to > Click Write
Click Upload Multimedia Content > Select the particular Fingertec Device which you want
to upload the content to then proceed to > Click Write
3) Remove the Advertisement Photo
You can remove the Advertisement Photo by going to Advertisement
Picture > Select Picture > click Remove From Device
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