Going Green Screen Saver Configuration
A screen saver is an animated image or a small program that takes over the display screen if there are no keystrokes or mouse movements for a specified duration.
We have recently designed some state of the art screensavers for our new terminals. However, for those who have purchased our terminals without the new screensavers, you may download it here. (Screensaver hyperlink)
By using the TCMSv2 software, you can customize the screensaver of your terminal. Please be advised that this feature is only available for our multimedia terminals.
To upload the screensaver, startup the TCMSv2 software:
Step 1
Click Devices to select Terminal Multimedia Management.
Step 2

Step 3
Click the arrow icon to advance to the Open Picture window.
Select the picture that you want to upload and click OK. For different models, there is a picture resolution size restriction. Choose the correct size of the picture:
400 x 272 = Face ID 2
320 x 210 = TA200 Plus, Q2i, I-Kiosk 100
800 x 600 = I-Kiosk 100 Plus
Step 4
Select the pictures to upload to the terminal as advertisement pictures.
Click “Upload Picture” to upload to the terminal.
Step 5
Click “OK” after the uploading process is finished. Click “Close” to end.
Terminal restarts automatically for the new settings to take effect. Check your terminal for the newly uploaded pictures.
Additional Tips:
1. Face ID 3 does not have the screen saver function yet.
2. The TCMSv2 software does not support screen saver uploading for TA100C and AC100C models. If you wish to upload the screen saver into the terminal, you will need to email us the photos and we will generate a firmware for you to update the photos into the terminal.
Written by Vincent
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