Gross Wages Report for Companies That Pays Their Employees by Hour

Friday, October 02, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments


The absence of payroll software in SME companies might cause difficulty for such companies to calculate wages of their employees. In some companies, they might have a combination of salaried employees as well as hourly employees. Hourly employees are paid based on hour and the pay for an hourly employee is usually calculated as total work hours multiply by the pay rate. 


In Ingress software, there are more than 30 types of report available to cater for the requirements and the report to calculate the staff’s pay is the Gross Wages report.  By using Ingress, the hourly employees are also eligible for overtime but some settings need to be configured as the steps given below.


Follow the steps below to generate a gross wages report.

1.      Select pay rate
       a.      Ingress software > User Tab > Select User ID > Configure the Pay Rate

2.      Configure wages
       a.      Ingress software > System Settings Tab > System Parameter Settings > Day Type >
        Configure the wages for
                                                              i.      Workday / Holiday / Restday / Offday
                                                            ii.      Work time / Overtime / Different Overtime
3.      Create the clocking schedule
       a.      Clocking tab
                                                             i.      Monday – Friday as Workday from 0900 – 1800  
                                                            ii.      Saturday as Offday from 0900 – 1800
                                                          iii.      Sunday as Restday from 0900 – 1800
               b.      Overtime tab
                                                              i.      Define time IN and OUT to treat as special OT from 2000 – 2300          

     4.      Generate the attendance sheet to apply new setting
      5.      Preview Gross Wages Report
             a.      Ingress software > Report > Attendance Analysis > Gross Wages Report > Tick option
                    Rate per Hour.
     The report will provide you with all the hours observed which you can calculate based on the
     hourly rate to get the total of the amount in monetary value.



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