Ingress & TCMS V3 Tip: DO NOT TAMPER with the User Expiry Date in Ingress/TCMS V3 Database

Tuesday, April 07, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

Important Note: This tip is crucial as tampering with the Ingress/ TCMS V3 software system by deleting the expiry date from the database can cause the system to not work properly. The tip below will explain to you in detail the crucial role of the expiry date in generating the attendance of your employees. 

In FingerTec Ingress/ TCMS V3 Software, one can add users into the software via one of the 5 ways:

1.   By Adding User Manually
2.   Creating User by Batch
3.   Downloading Users from the terminal
4.   Importing Users from a text or Excel file
5.   Importing Users from USB Payroll System.

The images below are from Ingress software, however it also applies to TCMSV3 which has a slightly different interface.

Regardless of the way you choose to add user into the software, the system will define an expiry date for each user created. However, the predefined value will not be shown in the software as it is automatically generated at the back-end process whenever a new user is added into the software. 

Ingress and TCMS V3 software are designed in a way that it requires an ISSUE AND EXPIRY DATE for each employee in order to recognize this employee as an active employee before attendance can be generated.

Within the software itself, the expiry date can be edited to suit your company preference if there is a need for that. If you assign an expiry date for a particular user, clocking activities will not appear in the attendance sheet for the user after his/her expiry date. The transaction will appear only in the terminal data audit list. Therefore, please be careful when configuring the expiry date of the user.

Most importantly, we discourage users from changing or modifying this expiry date directly in the database. Do take note that if the expiry date is removed from the database, e.g. using any SQL manager tools from the Ingress database (or similarly for TCMS V3) the attendance of the employees will NOT be generated as the employee’s status will be changed into an inactive user.


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